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Make your voice heard for kids in Tuesday’s elections

“Participating in elections and being an informed voter is a key part of being an active citizen… kids need adults in their community who will speak up for them, take action for them, and vote with their needs in mind.” … Read More & Comment »

Top Ten City Snapshot Highlights

Who doesn’t love a good Top Ten List? As we wrap up our 2014 City Snapshots Series, we thought it would be fun to share our own Top Ten List of interesting highlights from the series. For most items, we’ve given both the highest … Read More & Comment »

District Comparisons: Graduation and College Readiness Rates

Today we have two different infographics to share with you as we continue our discussion of the latest graduation and college readiness data from the New York State Department of Education. We’ve already discussed some of our findings in a previous blog post, but promised … Read More & Comment »