Register to Vote

Follow these easy steps to become a registered voter in New York:

  1. You can register online using the electronic voter registration form.


  1. Download the New York Voter Registration form.
  2. Complete all portions of the form.
  3. Mail the completed form to your County Board of Elections (25 Quarropas St., White Plains, NY 10601 for Westchester residents).

Who Should Register?

Anyone who is a parent, caretaker, teacher, neighbor, community member, or child advocate should actively and regularly exercise their right to vote. When constituents voice their concerns and priorities, elected officials listen! In short, you should register to vote if you care about children and youth and:

  • Have never registered to vote,
  • Have moved since the last election, or
  • Have not voted in the past five years

16 and 17-year-olds can now pre-register to vote in New York!

  • Click here to preregister to vote online.

Find out more through our Project Engage

Learn how to support young people by voting.

Visit our Vote for Kids page for ways you can help keep children and youth at the top of the public agenda.