Uplifting Courageous Voices: From the Frontline of Poverty in Westchester County
WCA released its 2024 report on Child Poverty, “Uplifting Courageous Voices: From the Frontline of Poverty in Westchester County.” This report is the result of months of documenting parent experiences and identifying program and policy supports to alleviate the impact of poverty.
Making the Invisible Visible: Westchester's Hidden Homeless Children & Youth
A report compiling two years of research and highlighting the need for better definitions for homelessness among children, youth, and families and more support overall.
On the Home Front: A report on home visiting in Westchester County in support of the critical 0 to 5 years
A report compiling the results of a 2016 survey of home visiting services in Westchester County, and the recommendations for future efforts.
GPS4Kids Collective Impact Report (2015)
The 2015 report for the Gathering Policy Solutions for Kids (GPS4Kids) Collective Impact Initiative, a cross-sector effort to improve life outcomes for all young people in Westchester County.
Dreams Deferred: Reconnecting Youth to School, Work and Community (2013)
A study of factors affecting “disconnected youth” in Westchester with recommendations for change. Disconnected youth are young people ages 16-24 who are not connected to school, work or positive development opportunities.
The Toughest Job: Improving Parenting Programs for Westchester Families in Need (2009)
An examination of and recommendations around programs providing parenting support and education to vulnerable families in Westchester.
Supporting Our Youngest Citizens: An Inventory and Review of Early Childhood Resources in Westchester (2007)
An examination of the early intervention resources available in Westchester County.
No Time to Lose: Rethinking Mental Health Services for Westchester’s Children (2005)
A call to action to improve children’s emotional, social and behavioral health through the combined efforts of those inside and outside government who care about children’s well-being.
A Summary of the Take Action for Kids Conference (2004)
Parents, youth, government officials, non-profit services, business, civic and religious organizations gathered to Take Action for KIDS! The conference was part of Westchester Children’s Association’s 90th Anniversary encouraging positive changes for children and youth in our communities.
Children Adrift: Identifying Barriers to Permanency and Working Towards Solutions (2000)
A report examining the plight of foster children waiting for adoption in Westchester County.