Welcome to the WCA Online Community! We really want to hear what you want to say about the issues affecting Westchester’s children, so we encourage you to comment on our posts. We want our community to be a safe, welcoming space for our online advocates, so keep this in mind as you start posting.
Comments are moderated, and there will be a delay.
We are a small organization, which means that we do not have the resources to staff a 24/7 comment moderation team. Keep in mind that if you post a comment in the evening or over the weekend, there will be a delay before your comment is posted.
Mind your manners.
Insulting racist comments that spew out profanity will NOT be tolerated. Rude comments bullying other commenters will not be tolerated. If your comment is in any way hateful, hostile, misogynistic, or just downright malevolent, the likelihood that your comment will be approved will be zero.
THAT said, we realize that people get carried away in the heat of the moment. And we want people to feel free to make a controversial opinion. We may reach out to you and say something like “Wow. You make a valid point. However, the comment has a somewhat aggressive tone that may inadvertently insult some people. Any chance that you can reword it?”
Don’t spam.
Offline SPAM: Not healthy, but tasty.
Online spam: Ain’t gonna happen here.
Stay on topic.
If you post a comment about your grandmother’s Winnebago when the blog post is about college readiness, there’s a good chance that your comment won’t be approved. On a purely personal basis, we may actually want to hear more about your grandmother’s Winnebago, but we want to make sure that our blog readers and commenters have an “uncluttered” experience.
Thanks so much for being here!