Help! The Community Snapshots are Coming!

[ezcol_1half][ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end] Hello, I’m Denise! I first want to take a paragraph here to introduce myself to all of our Children by the Numbers subscribers since, in theory I am still new to WCA! If I have not personally met … Read More & Comment »

What Age Are You Trying to Raise?

We invited Sarah Halperin, our 2016 summer intern through Cornell University’s Blumenthal Internship Program, to write about her experience traveling to Albany with us on June 1st to lobby for Raise the Age.  Thanks Sarah! Hi everyone! My name is Sarah … Read More & Comment »

Takeaways from the 2016 School District Elections

(See our Voter Participation Map below!) Last week’s school district elections on May 18 were marked by a particular event that didn’t even happen in Westchester County:  a fire under the Metro North tracks which effectively brought train service in … Read More & Comment »

Get the 2016 Data Bulletin Right Here

DOWNLOAD THE 2016 CHILDREN BY THE NUMBERS BULLETIN HERE! Data sources are also available. Last Friday, we released the printed version of our 2016 Data Bulletin at the annual County Legislative Breakfast on Children and Youth. This year, as we worked … Read More & Comment »

Mapping New York’s Home Visiting Programs

Parenting is difficult for everyone, but it can be particularly challenging for low-income families. Voluntary early childhood home visiting programs can ease this challenge by partnering families with trained professionals.  Home visiting programs demonstrate parenting techniques, offer health resources, answer … Read More & Comment »

vote for kids logo

2015 Candidate Survey on Children’s Issues

Will You Vote for Kids? Our children bring us together, regardless of party and ideology. Each election, our Vote for Kids initiative surveys candidates on their opinions regarding issues affecting Westchester’s children and youth. Westchester Children’s Association does not support or oppose any candidate … Read More & Comment »