Help! The Community Snapshots are Coming!



Hello, I’m Denise!

I first want to take a paragraph here to introduce myself to all of our Children by the Numbers subscribers since, in theory I am still new to WCA! If I have not personally met you yet, I am Denise Killeen, the new Communications and Data Associate here at WCA.  I started this wonderful position at the end of March 2016. And what’s even more exciting, is that this is my first official blog post!

Okay, so let’s get down to business. I am currently working on the next series of Community Snapshots that will debut in the fall. For those of you who may not know, WCA’s Community Snapshots (<–click the link to see one up close and personal) are data publications that use “demographic, socioeconomic, education, health and other data to provide a succinct depiction of what it’s like to raise a child in each featured locality” (WCA’s words, not mine).

We Need Your Help

Our staff recently took a big chunk of time to decide on what data indicators should be included this year and I am going to share these ideas with all of you. However, we also stopped and said, “Wait, let’s not be selfish, we should let our data blog community get in on all this exciting action!” We realize that there are many people who may use this information for writing grants or educating their clients and we wanted to make sure that you also get a say on what data goodies we put out for public consumption.

With that being said, above are photos of each section header along with the lovely, very sophisticated post-its I created with the data indicators we want to include. As far as feedback is concerned, I want to know anything you think, including but not limited to:

  1. You love it so much and don’t want to change a thing
  2. Think, “Ehh, that’s pretty good but I think ____ is missing”
  3. If you think an indicator isn’t particularly useful and we should trash it or
  4. You hate them all, and want me to do it all over again (but, don’t really tell me that because I will cry).

*Disclaimer about the map: We really want to know what you would like to see that look like and what we should highlight in a community. Should it be parks, youth resource centers, schools?

Please send feedback responses to me at!