2015 Children By the Numbers Data Bulletin

2015 Children By the Numbers Data Bulletin Launched

  DOWNLOAD THE 2015 CHILDREN BY THE NUMBERS BULLETIN HERE! Yesterday, we released the 2015 version of our data bulletin at the annual County Legislative Breakfast on Children and Youth. As the Director of Data Analysis, I had the opportunity to … Read More & Comment »

2015 Children By the Numbers Data Bulletin

Want the Latest Data on Westchester’s Children?

Our new 2015 Children By the Numbers data bulletin with key statistics about children and youth in Westchester County is now available for download! Back by popular demand, this updated six page graphic report highlights the most current information on: Demographics, Economics, Education, Youth and Young Adults, Health, and Child Welfare. Read More & Comment »

Commission on Youth, Public Safety & Justice Releases Raise the Age Recommendations

January 20th — Martin Luther King, Jr. Day — the Commission on Youth, Public Safety & Justice, a task force created by NY Governor Cuomo, released its recommendations on how to improve the treatment of young people in the NY State justice … Read More & Comment »