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Make your voice heard for kids in Tuesday’s elections

“Participating in elections and being an informed voter is a key part of being an active citizen… kids need adults in their community who will speak up for them, take action for them, and vote with their needs in mind.” … Read More & Comment »

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2014 Candidate Survey on Children’s Issues

Our children bring us together, regardless of party & ideology. Each election, our VOTE for KIDS initiative surveys candidates on their opinions regarding issues affecting Westchester’s children and youth. WCA does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. … Read More & Comment »

All School Districts in Westchester County passed their 2014-15 budgets. But did anybody vote?

School District administrators most likely breathed a sigh of relief Wednesday morning as election results rolled in; all school districts in Westchester County successfully passed their proposed school district budgets for the 2014-15 school year. However, voter participation rates* throughout … Read More & Comment »