2014 Candidate Survey on Children’s Issues

Our children bring us together, regardless of party & ideology. Each election, our VOTE for KIDS initiative surveys candidates on their opinions regarding issues affecting Westchester’s children and youth. WCA does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Read what specific actions candidates for NY State Governor, NY State Senate and NY State Assembly would take to address:

  • Early childhood education
  • 16- and 17- year olds who commit crimes
  • Economic security of families living in poverty
  • The availability of early childhood home visiting programs in Westchester

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NY Governor Race

Robert Astorino
Republican, Conservative, Stop Common Core
Did not respond.

Steven Cohn
Sapient Party
Click here for response.

Andrew Cuomo - Incumbent
Democratic, Working Families, Independence, Women's Equality Party
Click here for response.

Howie Hawkins
Green Party
Click here for response.

Michael McDermot
Libertarian Party
Click here for response.

NY State Senate Race

Use the map to find your NY State Senate district, then click on the district to find out which candidates are running. NOTE: If you live in the southeast area of the county, zoom in to make sure you have the right district.

NY State Assembly Race

Use the map to find your NY State Assembly district, then click on the district to find out which candidates are running.