The Children by the Numbers Bulletin – 2014

How are Westchester’s children faring?  In January 2014, we released a data brief on the state of Westchester’s children and youth, including information on poverty, education, health, and well-being. The publication was made possible through a grant from Westchester Community Foundation. … Read More & Comment »

Economic and Demographic Data from the 2008-2012 American Community Survey

We’ve taken data from the 2008-2012 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates and created this interactive map for you. You can explore selected demographic and economic data for Westchester communities by clicking on the red dot in the middle of each … Read More & Comment »

Test Score Comparisons for Grades 3 and 8

Spring is coming.

For most people, spring means trees and flowers and chirping birds [Ed. Bonus point for you if you immediately recognize the reference.]  For children in school, spring also means the impending arrival of state-mandated tests.

When the English Language Arts and Math test scores for New York came out last August, many people were shocked by the dramatic drop in pass rates for many schools across the state.   This drop was the largely attributed to the decision to align test results with Common Core standards.

We created this map to explore Read More & Comment »

Civil Rights in Public Schools

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights recently released the latest report on civil rights data for all public schools in the country for 2011-2012. For the first time ever, the Civil Rights Data Collection database allows you … Read More & Comment »