WCA eBulletin #7 – Project 2020: Speak Up! Speak Out! was a success!

On July 21st, WCA hosted a youth-led virtual event focused on civic engagement and community change called “Project 2020: Speak Up! Speak Out!” Sponsored in part by the Westchester Community Foundation, this event was an opportunity for youth ages 15 to 21 to make their concerns and … Read More & Comment »

last Cornell Blumenthal intern at WCA Thomas Mac Barreca

Our Last Cornell Blumenthal Intern – Thomas Mac Barreca

This post was written by  Thomas ‘Mac’ Barreca, who spent Summer 2019 with us as an intern and is the last student to participate in the Cornell University Blumenthal Internship Program.  This internship program was started and lead by WCA … Read More & Comment »