eBulletin #10 – Highlights & Video of WCA’s Special Session at KIDS COUNT

Click the image to see a recording of the special session

On November 18, 2020, Limarie Cabrera, hosted a warm and enlightening special session as part of the KIDS COUNT: ALL Data Are Local Virtual Conference hosted by the New York State Council of Children and Families.  Participants got a chance to look behind the curtain and understand the work it takes to get access to critical information, analyze it under the lens of illuminating the burdens of children, and then molded into a product that can be understood by a broad audience.

The conference session was an opportunity for the attendees to learn more about

  • the reasons why WCA makes data such a prominent feature in its child advocacy work,
  • how WCA uses low-cost/free tools to automate and streamline the data collection and visualization process, and
  • what new features will in included in the Spring 2021 release of the Community Snapshots.

At the Q&A session, there was additional discussion about promoting data literacy amongst the general public and the inherent challenges in pursuing data quality.  Other presenters at the conference included other New York child advocacy organizations such as ACT Rochester and Citizens’ Committee for Children for New York (CCC) as well as national data providers such as the National Equity Atlas and the Child Opportunity Index.

Click to see the recording of the Special Session

To find out more, here is the presentation recording.










WCA 10th eBulletin – our last one for 2020!

End-of-Year donations to support WCA!
Sleepy Hollow high school kids get engaged through Project 2020
KIDS COUNT Virtual Conference Special Session highlights
2021 WCA Calendars are available to order