Youth Blog Series: What Does Raise the Age Mean to You?

Westchester Children’s Association received a grant through the Westchester Community Foundation to teach two Teen Advocacy Leadership courses. We focused the advocacy lessons around one of our priority issues, Raise...

eBulletin #30 – June 2023

...and families across New York State. While we recognize and celebrate certain accomplishments, it is crucial to acknowledge that there remains ongoing advocacy efforts to fully address the needs of...

Child & Youth Homelessness

...ensure fairness in eviction courts and inform our advocacy on preventing homelessness. What is court watching? Observing court proceedings with an eye on equity and documenting aspects of the proceedings....

Youth Blog Series: What Does Raise the Age Mean to You?

Westchester Children’s Association received a grant through the Westchester Community Foundation to teach two Teen Advocacy Leadership courses. We focused the advocacy lessons around one of our priority issues, Raise...

Youth Blog Series: What Does Raise the Age Mean to You?

Westchester Children’s Association received a grant through the Westchester Community Foundation to teach two Teen Advocacy Leadership courses. We focused the advocacy lessons around one of our priority issues, Raise...

Why are WCA Calendars loved by generations?

...lives of vulnerable children, WCA looked for a way to engage the community in our advocacy. Thus, the calendar was born! WCA calendars were given to new mothers and community...

Limarie Carbrera's Wish List for Data Transparency

My Data Transparency Wish List

...housing and demographic topics and it’s ripe for advocacy analysis. Unlike the better-known Decennial Census (coming in 2020), which collects and provides data on the US population every ten years,...

WCA supports kids in Government Shutdown 2019

WCA response to partial federal government shutdown

From our Executive Director [IMPORTANT UPDATE BELOW] Westchester Children’s Association (WCA) is Westchester County’s only children’s advocacy organization focused on the welfare of children ages to 25 and their families....