2015 Westchester County Budget: Advocacy Delivers for Kids!

...advocates pressing for greater investments for children and youth. A large number of organizations and coalitions, including the Campaign for Kids, the Child Care Council, Community Voices Heard, NonProfit Westchester,...

Youth Blog Series: What Does Raise the Age Mean to You?

Westchester Children’s Association received a grant through the Westchester Community Foundation to teach two Teen Advocacy Leadership courses. We focused the advocacy lessons around one of our priority issues, Raise...

Comment Policy

Welcome to the WCA Online Community! We really want to hear what you want to say about the issues affecting Westchester’s children, so we encourage you to comment on our...

Youth Blog Series: What Does Raise the Age Mean to You?

Westchester Children’s Association received a grant through the Westchester Community Foundation to teach two Teen Advocacy Leadership courses. We focused the advocacy lessons around one of our priority issues, Raise...

2015 Children By the Numbers Data Bulletin

2015 Children By the Numbers Data Bulletin Launched

...healthcare, access to youth programs and a good education. We ask parents, community members, our nonprofit partners, and our elected officials to join us in changing the odds for our...