WCA’s Response to New York State Adopted Budget for SFY 2018-2019
NY State Budget wins – but more work to do!
Thank you for the calls, visits, tweets and sign-ons! Your ongoing support and advocacy made a difference.
Child Care
- $100 million in new investment in childcare with $7 million from state funds and $160 million from federal funds- largest increase in childcare funding in history!
Child Welfare – Preventive Services
- The cap on NYC has been REJECTED and funding will remain open-ended at 62% state share
Juvenile Justice
- $100 million investment for raise the age (RTA) expense reimbursement for counties outside of NYC
- Close to Home reauthorized but NO state funding support
Higher Education
- $6 million to Foster Youth Success Alliance (FYSA) to fully fund foster youth college success initiative
Thank your elected officials at state and federal levels. We will continue to advocate for resources and the full continuum of quality services for all our children. Keep the pressure on to support NYC juvenile justice systems where approximately 60% of RTA youth reside.