eBulletin #29 – April 2023

...year to keep up with rising costs. #RaiseTheWage 3. Keep children and families housed by establishing the Housing Access Voucher Program (HAVP) a state-level voucher program to provide housing stability...

Data Publications

...Community Snapshots - Combined field_542076bb5a1af The Community Snapshot series sheds light on what it’s like to raise a child in Westchester County's communities. The selected data covers key areas such...

Back to School Absenteeism Blues – Part I

...even deeper into the data (which you can download from the NYSED website here) and see what we can find. 2 1421937389:2 attendance In this post, we compare district attendance...


Below are a few of our most popular videos. To see all of Westchester Children’s Association’s videos, visit our YouTube page. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H87gPev6yuU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQmKv3xosWY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13kwJNaJUqc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNYtDODUkPM 14 1526995392:14 default videos Below...

Youth Development/Mental Health

...field_5423236181791 field_54232a5d58b70 field_542450f5f4202 1 field_5423285e74217 Fios1 News Interview with Cora re: Invest in Kids field_542328937421a http://www.fios1news.com/lowerhudsonvalley/local-Astorino-announces-%246M-in-grants-for-youth-programs#.Wjm-aUqnHIU field_542328a27421b field_542328b37421c Campaign for Kids Participating Organizations field_542328937421a http://www.wca4kids.org/campaign-for-kids-participating-organizations/ field_542328a27421b field_542328b37421c Invest in Kids...

connecting youth

Connecting Youth

...higher number of foster youth becoming disconnected after they age out of foster care.[6] field_54232a5d58b70 field_542450f5f4202 2 field_5423285e74217 Dreams Deferred...Reconnecting Youth to School, Work and Community field_542328937421a http://www.wca4kids.org/wp-content/uploads/Dreams-Deferred.pdf field_542328a27421b field_542328b37421c...

Guest Blog Post: Student Advocacy

...Addressing chronic absence enables communities to catch problems early enough to allow for lower-level, effective interventions. Chronic absence is defined as missing 10% or more of school for any reason...

Kids and Gun Safety

14 1525980123:14 To keep our children safe, we need to require gun owners to safely store their guns so that kids aren't able to easily access them. Leaving a gun...